An evening of classic pop and rocks songs from the past 6 decades will have you singing and tapping your feet whilst raising much needed funds for The British Red Cross DEC appeal to aid Ukrainian refugees who find themselves in dire circumstances.
Grand Opera House York
An evening of classic pop and rocks songs from the past 6 decades will have you singing and tapping your feet whilst raising much needed funds for The British Red Cross DEC appeal to aid Ukrainian refugees who find themselves in dire circumstances.
Showcasing how the York music scene can unite and do something positive and will also feature guest speakers and some moving moments too so bring your wallet and your tissues and let’s show how the people of York can party.
All artists, hosts, sound tech and crew have donated their time free of charge for this event and ALL profits will go the DEC appeal.
Grand Opera House York
Not originally intended to be a theatre, the buildings that comprise the Grand Opera House York officially opened in 1902 with Little Red Riding Hood starring Florrie Ford. Since then it has been owned by FJ Butterworth, the Shepherd of Shambles and the India Pru Co. Ltd who spent £4,000,000 restoring the theatre to its former glory in 1987.
Grand Opera House York
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