Brexit, obesity, Trump, it can all get a bit much. Comedian Steve N Allen has lived a life dealing with news. From working for the BBC to satirising it on BBC2’s The Mash Report, and it’s taken its toll.
Brexit, obesity, Trump, it can all get a bit much. Comedian Steve N Allen has lived a life dealing with news. From working for the BBC to satirising it on BBC2’s The Mash Report, and it’s taken its toll.
Make sense of the modern world as Steve takes a look at what affect all of this news is having on us, which bits we can avoid and how to find those little bits of escapism.
Cutting wit- Time Out
A performer with masses of talent- Fringe Review
Very funny and sometimes bizarre- Surrey Mirror
If you have noticed just how much news these is these day this is the show that can help you.
Biting satire- Three Weeks
Studio at New Wimbledon Theatre
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