Magnificent sets and costumes inspired by Dr. Seuss create the whimsical world of Whoville, while Max the Dog narrates the story of the scheming Grinch whose heart is ‘two sizes too small,’ as he decides to steal Christmas away from the Whos, an endlessly joyful bunch bursting with holiday cheer. The show features the songs You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch and Welcome Christmas.
Starring Ed Baker-Duly as the Grinch and X-Factor's Matt Terry as Young Max.
'Brilliant'- Hollywood Reporter
'An extraordinary performance'- New York Times
'Spectacular! Genuine holiday glow'- San Francisco Chronicle
The Alexandra, Birmingham
Birmingham’s beloved theatre, The Alexandra, was built in 1901 by William Coutts and throughout its vast history, has become home to first class entertainment. In 2018, the venue underwent an extensive refurbishment and reverted to its original name, The Alexandra. The theatre is a valuable contributor to culture within Birmingham and the West Midlands, presenting first-rate musicals, drama, comedy and more.
Notable performances at The Alexandra Theatre include Chicago, Fame and An Inspector Calls, with new shows added regularly. It’s seen many famous faces throughout the years and continues to bring star-studded shows to Birmingham straight from London’s West End. Browse The Alexandra’s show listings now.