Released in 1967, The Jungle Book is the last film produced by Walt Disney. The animated musical classic is based on Rudyard Kipling’s novel of the same name and follows the story of Mowgli, a “man-cub” found in the jungle as an infant and raised by wolves, who is later guided by his wise protector, Bagheera the panther, on a journey to find a human village. Though he resists leaving the only home he’s ever known, along the way Mowgli befriends happy-go-luck Baloo the bear and encounters many colourful characters, including King Louie the orangutan leader of the monkeys, Kaa the trickster python, the ruthless tiger Shere Khan and the noble Colonel Hathi of the elephant patrol. “The Jungle Book” is a heartwarming tale that celebrates the true meaning of friendship. The film features the voices of Phil Harris, Sebastian Cabot, Louis Prima, George Sanders, Sterling Holloway, J. Pat O’Malley and Bruce Reitherman.